Blog was created on 27 November 2010

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

10 Hari Cabaran Blog - Day 6

10 Items You Cant Live Without

1. My phone
Zaman sekarang, phone bukan untuk buat calls je. Selain untuk call, kita guna untuk texting, taking pictures and even browsing the internet on the go. Plus, I'm quite a texter, kalau boleh text for 24hours except during I sleep, hee. So no matter where I go, I need my phone. 

2. My purse
Ni pun important, bila dah cakap pasal purse ni, I include kan sekali money, IC, driving license and cards yang important like whatsoever membership card, hehe.

3. My laptop
I dah bersama dengan laptop ni for sometime, tak pernah tukar lagi laptop ni, handphone dah tukar 3 kali pun tapi laptop ni masih setia. Hehe. So I need it especially when I'm at home and if dah masuk semester to do assignments.

4. Internet Connection
If ade laptop tapi takde internet connection, I'm dead. Haha. If dekat rumah dah ade wifi, then if dekat kampus, I have my broadband. And now, if on the go, I have my Blackberry Internet Service. Internet is life. Hewhew.

5. My spectacles / contact lenses
If takde salah satu ni, then I'm blind. Sebab my power is like sangat tinggi, don't even ask.

6. Makeup
Benda basic for the females. Maybe ada yang tak perlukan makeup pun, but I need my foundation, lipbalm & eyeliner. (:

7. My handbag
I need it when I go shopping, hanging out, to class. Basically everywhere. Except if nak pergi exercise, erk.

8. My bracelet
Tak boleh la terasa kosong dekat lengan tangan ni, mesti nak ada gelang jugak. Tak perlulah gelang macam mami penang tu ha yang emas penuh di pergelangan tangan, asalkan ada one piece of bracelet dah cukup. :)

9. Social Network
Twitter, Facebook or Blogging. I need it, but I'm more on Twitter nowadays.

10. Music
Sometimes we still need music, if senyap je boring lah. If studying, I need music. If tengah online/main game, I need music. There you go. :)

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