Blog was created on 27 November 2010

Monday, November 28, 2011

10 Hari Cabaran Blog - Day 3

10 Things You Hate

1. Orang yang bercakap buruk pasal I.
People say bad things about me, as if I have any problem with them.

2. Asap rokok.
The smell of the cigarattes, secondhand smoker are much more dangerous than the smoker itself okay!

3. Hilang benda.
Lost/missing things, especially the most important ones that I really need at the current moment.

4.  Benda-benda yang memalukan diri.
Anything that makes me feeling embarrassed. For example, falling when wearing high heels in front of lots of people. Teehee.

5. Gagal dalam sesuatu.
Failed in something, anything. Failed in examinations, tests. Failed when trying something. Oh I just hate it. But it won't stop me from trying though!

6. Kereta manual.
Sebab tak pro bawak kereta manual, time nak lulus ambik lesen dulu, terpaksa ambik test 2x sebab failed test bukit je, ye test bukit sahaja. Tak reti lah main clutch sangat. Haha, mencik!

7. Gedik tahap cipanzi.
I think semua perempuan ada gedik nya yang tersendiri, walaupun secara sedar atau tidak sedar. Tapi if gedik yang sengaja dibuat-buat and over the limit sampai rasa nak sepak and muntah, haa that one I hate it so much. Huu.

8. Phone or laptop or any other of my stuff rosak.
Ouh yang ni memang tak boleh diterima. Mesti rasa nak nangis je. Hehe.

9. Orang yang suka marah-marah.
Memang macam ada alergic dengan orang yang suka marah-marah ni, especially if orang tu marah I, mesti rasa nak nangis je. Haha. Very the sensitive, lalala.

10. Bangun pagi.
Err, yang ni memang bermasalah la. Especially if tidur lewat, memang harapan la nak bangun awal. Haha. If tidur awal, insyaAllah I boleh bangun awal kot. If dah bangun solat Subuh pun, nanti memang mata akan tertutup sendiri. Tapi memang yang ni masalah la, allergic. Haha.

Day 4 wait for me!

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