Blog was created on 27 November 2010

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Teacher Puteri, Nak Pergi Toilet!

Itu lah words yang usually I akan dengar di pagi hari during the weekdays.

Since school has started this January, I dah tak perlu jaga my little brother and some of my cousin dekat rumah. So now I sedang bekerja + helping my aunty dekat tadika near my atok's house.

I work at a tadika named Tadika Titian Jaya. It is located near Taman Selayang, at the back of the surau. Tadika ni for 5 to 6 tahun, tapi ada jugak 4 tahun yang masuk tadika ni, maybe ada parents yang nak anak dia start early and biasakan diri with school kot.

Actually nak mengajar budak-budak kecik ni is not easy as you think! Especially 4 & 5 tahun tu la kan. Yang 6 tahun ni mostly dah macam besar sikit and tau serba sedikit on ABC, even menulis & mewarna pun dah pandai. 

So actually I tolong my aunty handle budak 4 & 5 tahun ni sebab dorang dalam 1 kelas since budak 4 tahun hanyalah ada 2 orang je, so masukkan je sekali. These 4 & 5 tahun kids kadang-kadang tu sangat manja & can be a little bit stubborn, ye la, tengah seronok nak main je kan. But they are very clever too, suruh mewarna or menulis, dorang tetap akan buat walaupun dalam hati "nak main dkt playground", "lapar, nak makan", "teacher, nak pergi toilet!" & "mengantoknya". Okay that's normal, but in tadika, we try to make learning to be as fun as possible! Hee.

Since dekat tadika tu hanya ada 2 orang teacher, which my aunty (I call her as Cik Ngah) and her friend (Aunty Sellen). I am in charged to help them to take care of the kids. During class, I will be supervise some 4 & 5 years old in terms of writing or coloring. And if ada nak pergi toilet, I am the one who will be accompanying them to the toilet, huu that's why they love me more. =p

So during the weekdays, my daily routine would be going to the tadika 8am in the morning, then pukul 12 tengahari budak-budak tadika balik, I terus drive off to my little brother's school sebab nak pick up itu budak yang pulang pukul 1.30 petang and then we directly go to my atok's house sebab my house is quite far from the tadika & my little bro's school. Then I have to send my little brother again to his sekolah KAFA around 2.15pm, and finally I can drive home & rest! But wait! Pukul 6 ptg kena keluar balik pick him up. Huu.

Takde la penat pun, but at least I got some work to be done sementara cuti nak naik degree yang sangat lama ni. Maybe bukan kerja bank or office like some of my friends, but I'm happy with the opportunity being given to me. Being with the kids really brighten up my day, no pressure, no stress. ^^

Lately I cepat rasa mengantuk, I mean pukul 10 pun dah rasa mengantuk, 
instead of macam dulu2 pukul 1 pagi baru rasa mengantuk. 
Is that normal? Or sebab penat bekerja, ececeh, okbye.

Saya dah tukar "4-5 years old" kepada "4-5 tahun" di atas bimbingan kasotputeh. HAHA.
Terima kasih. :D


  1. Teacher Puteri.. alahai sweet nyer nama.. hehe.. bagus la kerja kt tadika tu.. mengasah bakat keibuan.. :-)

  2. hehe mmg tgh practice la ni, wahh gitu, hehe.

  3. tukar 'years old' tu kpd 'tahun' kn sng. sng skt aku nk bce. xde la belit2 ldh ni. huhuh.. ok CICER <--- teacher

  4. alaaa, aku dah terbiasa la dlm kelas panggil dorang "4 & 5 years old come & follow teacher!" huu.

  5. waaa kiut nye she wan jadi cikgu yee..hehhe.. lagi kiut panggil cikgu putri.. ehehhe..

  6. haha x cute, dorang je cute. :) oke jgk tu, cikgu puteri pun bolehh. ^^

  7. baguslah biasakan diri dengan budak-budak sekarang.boleh apply in real life nanti hihihi xD
